Tuesday 30 March 2010

Creativity at home with Early Years

There are a lot of different ways of promoting creativity in our daily lives. Children will enjoy spending their time creatively with their parents rather than sitting in front of the television and not doing anything. Some ideas suggested here for parents to do with their children. They do not only help them to spend quality time with their children but also help them to develop a range of skills.


What you need:
What you need:
Black coloured paper
Red coloured paper
Scissors (child friendly)
CD just to draw a big circle for the body of the ladybird

Draw the circle on to the red paper. You can ask your child to help you. Do not worry if it is not a proper circle.Remember, this is a child friendly ladybird and the most important one, so whatever your child draws is better than the most perfect one you can find in a book or in a shop. You need to encourage her for the effort she is making.

Make small circles out of the black paper for the ladybird’s spots. She can glue these on to the ladybird. Playing with such small pieces of paper will help children's hand-eye coordination and will develop their motor skills.


Cooking and baking with children is a great way of involving them with early Science and Maths. Children will learn the importance of numbers and measuring while they are cooking and they will also experience scientific facts such as, heat, solids, liquids and how they can be separated.

Following the instructions from a recipe book will also help children to learn in different contexts. Using a cooking book is also a good way to introduce different types of books. There are a lot of Children’s Cook books available both in libraries and bookstores. These books are full of pictures describing each stage of the cooking process. Therefore, it is also easy for a child to follow the instructions. This will give the children a sense of achievement.

By measuring the ingredients and mixing them is a fantastic way for children to see real life Maths and Science in action even before they start studying them. When the children come across small problems during cooking, encourage them to use their problem solving skills to come up with a solution. It is important to be patient and get the answer from the children rather than telling them.

Note:Pictures are from the blog owner`s own archieve.They can not be used without permission.

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